Good news! Hangzhou Xinma Elevator Co., Ltd. was successfully rated as the most growing technology-based top 100 enterprise in Zhejiang Province in 2016

Category: Company News

Good news! Recently, after early recommendation, social voting, evaluation and other links, Hangzhou Xinma Elevator Co., Ltd. was successfully rated as the most growing technology-based top 100 enterprise in Zhejiang Province in 2016.

Supported by the provincial science and technology department and sponsored by the provincial high tech Enterprise Association, this selection activity aims to find and explore the small and medium-sized micro science and technology enterprises with the most growth potential. The selection conditions are relatively complex. In addition to being registered in our province for more than two years, the enterprise's products (services) are also required to belong to the high-tech field supported by the state, or in line with the development direction of national strategic emerging industries. More importantly, the enterprise has good credit requirements, no violation of laws, tax evasion, intellectual property litigation and other disputes. R & D enterprises have outstanding advantages in standardized financial management.

After signing up in late October, Hangzhou Xinma Elevator Co., Ltd. accepted the test of the public and stood out in the voting link. The company's entrepreneurial and innovative deeds and development prospects passed the evaluation of the organizing committee, and finally successfully won the top 100 most growing science and technology enterprises in Zhejiang Province in 2016.

Technology-based small, medium and micro enterprises are the new economic growth point and the main driving force of transformation and upgrading under the new normal. They are the main form of mass entrepreneurship and innovation in today's era. Next, Xinma elevator will continue to innovate and truly become the reserve force of high-tech enterprises.

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